Albert Christoph Dies (1755 - 1822)
Dies trained with a guild painter and studied at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art. After brief visits to Mannheim and Basel, he went to Rome, drew and painted from nature, twice visited Naples and became interested in Tivoli and the Albany mountains, which he portrayed in his etchings "Mahlerisch radirten Prospecte von Italien" – an important link between Classicism and Romanticism. He left Rome in 1796 and painted several landscapes for Prince-Archbishop Colloredo in Salzburg. From 1797 he occasionally taught landscape painting at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He was gallery director to Prince Esterházy, to whom he dedicated his "Biographische Nachrichten von Joseph Haydn" (1810).
Author: Ducke Astrid
Literature: Ducke Astrid: Stadt Salzburg • The Town of Salzburg, in: Ducke Astrid, Habersatter Thomas (Hrsg./Edi.) Stadt · Land · Berg. Salzburg und seine Umgebung. Town · Landscape · Mountain. Salzburg and surroundings. Salzburg 2022, S./p. 46
The Salzburg landscape series for Prince-Archbishop Count Hieronymus Colloredo: The Salzach valley to the south of the town, 1796
Albert Christoph Dies
Inv. no. 646
The Salzburg landscape series for Prince-Archbishop Count Hieronymus Colloredo: Hohensalzburg, 1797
Albert Christoph Dies
Inv. no. 647
The Salzburg landscape series for Prince-Archbishop Count Hieronymus Colloredo: Thundery Landscape with Hoher Staufen
Albert Christoph Dies
Inv. no. 620
The Salzburg landscape series for Prince-Archbishop Count Hieronymus Colloredo: Gaisberg landscape, 1796
Albert Christoph Dies
Inv. no. 619