At the Pebble Mills in Fürstenbrunn near Salzburg
Framesize 80.50 x 65.00 x 3.40 cm
This is not a typical Salzburg motif; Ribarz was not looking for a standard view, but rather for the atmosphere of a woodland bathed in sunlight. He chose a very limited, undramatic section, reduced his palette and left many details as mere suggestions; some of the trees are not elaborated. The painting is an unfinished early work from his student days, probably started on a study trip with his teacher Albert Zimmermann.
There were pebble mills all around the Untersberg until the beginning of the 20th century. These were simple constructions: a water inlet, a grindstone with an axle and a hardwood disc driven by the water. The pebbles were ground by rotation. Stones from the streams and waste from quarries were ground into balls for use as ballast for sailing vessels, as cannon munition, for decoration and as children’s toys.
HABERSATTER Thomas mit zwei Beiträgen von/with two texts by Helga Buchschartner (HB): Salzburg Umgebung/Salzburg’s surroundings, in: DUCKE Astrid, HABERSATTER Thomas (Hrsg./Edited): Stadt ∙ Land ∙ Berg. Salzburg und seine Umgebung. Town ∙ Landscape ∙ Mountain. Salzburg and surroundings. Residenzgalerie Salzburg. Salzburg 2022, S./p. 86–87